Sunday, September 25, 2011

Kids are expensive

The brakes went bad on our van. Mike took it to a shop that had an opening last Saturday afternoon. The mechanic mentioned to him how he sees a lot of brakes going bad on minivans....because soccer moms drive them around!! Man, that's offending. So I asked him what exactly IS a soccer mom? Weeeelllllll, it's a mom with kids who drive all the time running to practices and games and school and errands, putting lots of wear and tear on their minivans. I guess since I live with five boys and four of them play soccer, averaging four games a week, I can fall into that category. Not to mention how much they EAT and how often I have to run to the market. I'm not happy about the title of soccer mom. Although, there is always a loose soccer ball rolling around in my van.

So this baby will not produce any teeth. He's been "teething" for months, I guess? He is not sleeping very well and was up at seven this morning. Way too early for a Sunday. So I asked mike to watch him for a few minutes. This is the difference between moms taking care of kids and dads taking care of kids:

MOM: wakes up, feeds kids, changes baby, feeds baby, packs lunches, makes coffee, makes husband lunch, oops, baby gets dirty so bathes baby, changes baby again, (notice mom has not eaten or changed or anything yet?) then mom gets on big kids to get dressed, mom finally runs to throw clothes on so she can run kids to school, after school, gets coffee mug, checks email, eats something....shew. I'm tired just thinking about my mornings.

Now, DAD: wakes up, mom asks to take a shower so please PLEASE watch baby!?! Okay, so dad puts baby on floor, gets newspaper, pours cereal, sits to eat and read at table, oops, baby has pulled trashcan over, dad pours cereal for other kid, kid asks what bugs are all over floor....oops, maggots. Dad cleans trashcan and trash and maggots off floor and rinses out trashcan, um, where is baby?? Okay, so mom comes downstairs and all is calm. Oh, then some kid has to slip and tell her that maggots were in the kitchen. Mom screams and cries and breaks out the bleach and scrubs floor, yanks up baby and tosses him into tub. mom spends all day looking for and worrying about maggots. Dad makes coffee. Oh, actually re-cycles coffee through filter from previous day. : )
(I should not be journaling about this since I want to forget this memory. It even kept me awake last night.)

I've made some pretty super recipes lately. Last month I was on a funnel cake kick. There are some massive cinnamon buns in the fridge right now that I need to eat. This morning, I made scalloped potatoes and ham in my crock pot before church. Yesterday I made a pecan pear salad, the day before that, buttery pretzels, and of course, my cinnabons. Today I'm running to target for some fish. Yes, I buy my fish from Target! They sell frozen wild Mahi Mahi. And the price is fantastic, $8 for four steaks. And of course, we need diapers. Kids and babies are expensive.

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying these posts Steph. This one was actually very accurate, though I could describe the maggots more in detail if you like.
